zondag 8 januari 2012

Dolly and Lola celebrate their 9th Birthday!

Oh how time flies... Today Dolly and Lola are 9 years old, seems like yesterday when I picked them up as puppies, here's a little trip down memory lane. Big kiss for my sweet girls!

Wat vliegt te tijd...Vandaag zijn Dolly en Lola 9 jaar geworden, het lijkt wel gisteren dat ik ze ophaalde als pupjes. Hier een kleine trip down memory lane. Dikke verjaardagskus voor mn lieve meisjes!

Dolly and Lola 7 weeks old, almost ready to come home
with us.

Lola takes the wrong exit from her little house...

Two weiner dogs on a hot dog bed

Poor tigger....

Me and Dolly for ELLE girl magazine

Dolly and Lola winning 1st price in couples
class at a Dutch Dogshow
Lola and her puppies
Lola watching her sisters children Joey and Patsy
the whole gang

Dolly and her puppies